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Advanced Ab Exercises To Build And Maintain Strong Abs

6 Advanced Ab Exercises To Build And Maintain Strong Abs

A strong and dynamic core is the dream for every fitness freak out there. There are many ways to build a strong core and even achieve the much desired six packs abs. But you must be strategic with your workout. Just planks or crunches cannot help you get what you are looking for.

Every personal trainer San Diego recommends that you undertake a group of effective exercises to work your core. In that way, you are not straining your body with the same exercise over and over.

With a plate of balanced exercises, one makes sure that besides the core, other little yet significant muscles are also getting worked up. Selecting the right exercise is of utmost importance. Do not blindly follow any regime and come up with an arbitrary set of exercises. Look for ones that will work your core and target muscles like:

  • Obliques
  • Glutes
  • Rectus abdominis
  • Transverse abdominis
  • Erectors

All these muscles come together in giving you strength and the best shape possible. A stabilized core is a blessing to your entire body.

Whether you are an athlete or a model, a strong core serves everyone fine. That is why every San Diego Personal trainer emphasizes these exercises. If you are still trying to get that abs and not sure which exercises will work for you. We have compiled the best exercises that will suit almost everybody. Therefore, without further ado, let us look at them individually.


Planks are a basic exercise for any ab strengthening regime. It is even recommended to people who are just starting to focus on the core. Thus, it is not very difficult but there are different kinds of planks and as you go about exploring them, each will create more tension and become more challenging.

However, make sure that you do not start with the one that is the most rigorous. If you are confused about which one to choose, you can always ask a male or female personal trainer San Diego and get the best suggestion.

Here is how you do a simple plank

  • Face down the floor with your toes and forearm touching the ground.
  • Make sure that your elbows are proportionally under your shoulders and not wide apart.
  • Derive strength by engaging the abdominal muscles.
  • Draw your navel toward your spine and keep the torso straight.
  • Keep your body rigid and do not sag.
  • Hold the position for 10 seconds.
  • Release
  • Increase the hold time gradually.

This is the simplest way to plank but there are several variations that your San Diego fitness trainer might introduce to level up the challenge. Some of the other planks are:

  • Elbow plank
  • Knee plank
  • Side plank
  • Plank with arm up
  • Side to side plank
  • Plank walk down
  • Plank jacks

These are very similar to your basic planks but only more testing for your body.

Hollow Hold

The hollow hold is an essential position for athletes. It is very efficient and can help you achieve the right core strength and the correct posture. The idea behind this exercise is to flex your abs. Despite being a somewhat tough exercise, it will not take much time to master Advanced Ab Exercises To Build And Maintain Strong Abs .

This is how you can perform hollow hold:

  • Lie on your back and lift your feet on the floor
  • Bend your knees at a 90-degree angle.
  • Squeeze your abdominals
  • Pull your ribs towards your pelvis
  • Keep your back gently toward the floor and keep your legs up in the air.
  • Slowly lower your leg off the floor and return to the first position.
  • Repeat.

Pallof Press

Pallof press helps you build your core muscles with the help of a band or cable. The strength comes from pulling the cable or band. You must brace yourself before pulling it and stay kept in the position. You can also make this exercise tougher by kneeling on your knees.

Dragon flag

The dragon flag is an advanced core exercise responsible for great core strength. There are several benefits related to this exercise.

Follow the given steps to perform dragon flag

  • Lock your arms in an overhead position. It could be on a bench or just grip some stable object overhead.
  • Contract your torso and pull your legs up like you would in a reverse crunch.
  • Maintain a rigid body and do not bend your hips.
  • Pointing your toes will help you maintain proper body alignment.
  • Lift your legs completely.
  • Now, slowly lower your legs without any body part touching the bench except the upper back and shoulder.
  • Let your hips be suspended just over the bench.
  • Repeat as possible.

Gator Rolls

If you know and have mastered your hollow holds, you can take it a level higher with gator rolls. This is a favorite of personal trainers San Diego.

And this is how you do it:

  • Get into a hollow body position.
  • Raise your arm over the head to roll over.
  • Squeeze your core and glutes
  • Switch the arm after rolling over.
  • Begin a new set.

Russian Twist

Russian Twist effectively builds your shoulders and core. It helps with rotational movement and can be a great workout for athletes. It may look simple but requires a lot of support and strength. Every gym in San Diego will have at least a couple of members who absolutely love Russian Twist.

The best way to do it is:

  • Keep your knees bent and lift your feet from the floor.
  • Root into your sit bones.
  • Straighten the spine at a 45-degree angle so that it makes a V-shape with your thighs and torso.
  • Reach out your arms and clasp them together.
  • Repeat according to your level and strength.

Working out with random exercises has never helped. Thus, focus on what you wish to achieve and which muscles you want to target. And accordingly, come up with a regime.

A toned core is one of the most common reasons why people wish to join a gym or indulge in a workout. While it can be taxing and time-consuming, it is worth the dedication. If you too want to have a great body and improve strength, try these exercises out to see incredible results. If you’re on a journey to sculpt strong abs, our guide on advanced ab exercises is a must-read. However, for a personalized fitness experience in San Diego, consider partnering with a dedicated personal trainer.

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