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Keeping Safe While Exercising at Home

Keeping Safe While Exercising at Home

Exercise has always been a great way to stay grounded when you’re feeling stressed, but it’s especially important given today’s circumstances. Staying healthy has now become a priority for people all across the globe, and working out during this time is a great way for you to stay sane, too. To help you break a sweat while stuck at home, here are some ways to make sure you keep safe.


Start Slowly

Even if you’ve been exercising before, it’s best to use this time at home to revisit the basics. Although Verywell Fit’s guide to slow weightlifting does admit that there’s inconclusive evidence regarding whether this is better than regular weightlifting, slow repetitions still allow you to build muscle while also preventing the risk of injury. Starting slow is a mindset that can be translated to lots of other exercises too – for those who practice Pilates, you’ll find that slower repetitions actually burn a lot more!

Pace Yourself

On that note, it’s equally important to pace yourself and make sure your muscles don’t get overly fatigued. Since you’re just at home, it can be tempting to work out hard every day. However, over-exertion can compromise your immune system and leave you feeling worse off. If you want to keep moving just even a little every day, you can break up your training days with some stretching and recovery. Healthline states that a consistent yoga practice can potentially improve your breathing, which is sure to help you on the days that you do train.



Track Your Metrics

It can be easy to lose track of proper form while working up a sweat, which often results in a slippery slope towards getting injury. This is why NURVV’s coaches recommend that runners track factors such as foot strike and cadence in order to point out which parts of their running style are making them prone to injury. These metrics are especially useful for those who have a treadmill at home or a garden big enough to do quick sprints in. For other exercises such as indoor biking or skipping rope, tracking your heart rate can point you towards the parts of the routine that push you the most, which can then help you re-evaluate whether you’re working hard or working smart.

Workout With Someone

You may not be able to physically exercise alongside other people just yet, but working out by using a video makes you feel less alone while also providing you visual cues to make sure you’re moving right. USA Today’s list of Instagram Live workouts shows just how many trainers and athletes are reaching out in the best way they know how, by making sure people at home are still moving. The good news is that there are workout videos for almost any kind of exercise you can think of, whether you want to lift weights or do some Zumba.

Working out at home is supposed to help keep your anxiety at bay, but not at the expense of getting injured. Our post on the 3 Keys to Recovery After Your Workout emphasizes that stretching is also part of any sustainable exercise regimen, so don’t forget to do some quick recovery stretches right after your workout.

woman-in-pink-shirt runing
woman-in-pink-shirt runing

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