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Yoga Poses You Can Do from the Comfort of Your Home

7 Yoga Poses You Can Do from the Comfort of Your Home

Lifting heavy weights or training for a marathon is not for everyone. Over recent years there has been an explosion of alternative workout routines that have emerged such as Mud Runs, and Yoga that allow people to stay active while adapting to the specific person. But not all these workouts are tailored to the busy person with 4 kids and works a full-time job. Most instances, time is against us when we want to work out. Out of the exercises listed above, Yoga is the easiest to do from the comfort of your own home. I am going to show you 7 Yoga poses you can do in your own living room.

1. Prasarita Padottanasana

(Wide-Legged Forward Bend): Set your feet wide apart, reach your hips back as you stretch your torso forward. If you have a dining room table, you can rest your head and your arms on the table with your eyes looking at the floor. If you want to deepen the stretch, you can take your head further down towards your ankles. Control your breathing and relax the mind. Some therapeutic applications for this stretch include headaches, fatigue, and depression.

2. Parsvakonasana

(Extended Side Angle): With your right leg turned out, bend the right knee, pointing it toward the middle toes. The other hips shift forward slightly, lean to the right with the right arm on the table. Keeping your legs and abdomen strongly active, bring your torso to the side as far as you wish. Stretch your left arm alongside your head, reaching vigorously from hand to foot. Repeat on the other side. This stretch relieves stiffness in the shoulders and back. It also provides great stretches for your groin and hamstrings and relieves stress. 

3.Seated Twist:

Sit sideways in the chair, with your spine straight and legs hanging steady off the chair. Inhale, and slowly twist towards the back of the chair. You can lay your hands anywhere that it feels comfortable. If you want a deeper stretch, you can pull slowly with your arms or move to the floor. Repeat this process, turning the opposite way. Some of the benefits for seated twist include: stretches your hip rotators and hips, strengthens your abdominal muscles, and even helps with detoxification. 

4. High Lunge:

Step with your right foot forward, your left foot back. Both legs are parallel, and the back heel will be off the floor. Face your pelvis squarely forward and bring your knee forward. Do not bring your knee past the toes of your feet. Reach both your hands over your head and touch your palms together. This pose strengthens the thighs, hips, butt, and helps develop good balance.

5.Parivrrta Trikonasana:

This stretch is used to increase blood flow in your lower spine. Step your left leg forward and keep both legs straight. Reach your hips back and your chest forward as you place your right hand on your ankle. Twist and bring your left hand to the sky. Breathe and hold. Repeat stretch on the other side. This pose helps open the chest to improve breathing and relieves mild back pain while also stretching your back and thighs. [

6.Shoulder/Arm Pullback:

Stand tall, roll your shoulders back and put your hands behind you. Pull your arms back to find a stretch in the front of your shoulders, and a supportive strength in the upper back. If you want a deeper stretch that extends into your lower back, lean forward. This is a great stretch to improve your posture and open your chest to improve breathing. 

7.Downward/Upward Dog:
Downward: Probably the most known yoga stretches are Downward and Upward Dog. These poses are targeted towards stretching your back. For Downward Dog, put both of your knees on the floor and extend your hands out in front of you — reaching as far as you can. If you are not feeling a stretch, you can widen your knees. Hold this stretch for about 60 seconds. This pose is great for toning the core and waist, and brings more blood flow to your brain. 

Upward: Laying with your stomach on the floor, take your head to the sky. Press the top of your toes into the floor. Draw your shoulder blades towards one another and down your back. Press your hands into the ground to lift you up and keep your shoulders away from your head. Hold this pose for 60 seconds. This pose helps strengthen the arms, wrist, and shoulders and helps relieve mild depression, fatigue, and sciatica.

These are 7 easy Yoga stretches that you can do from the comfort of your own home. These are great for after workouts or to do whenever you have some free time or as a change of pace from your regular workouts. Yoga classes are not everyone’s “cup of tea”, but yoga is very beneficial for regular Joe’s to elite athletes. Just relax, breathe, and let the stretches do all the work. [

Did you know that when you train with us, you can plug into our full line of yoga classes as well? Yes – it’s all included with your personal training program. And – YES — we have some of the best yoga instructors in SoCal! Call us today to start your personal training program and get your “yoga game” going on your off-days – IT’S ALL INCLUSIVE!!

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